New Blog, who this?

Okay. First blog.

So, future me, let's create "Dungeon Code".

    Brief outline (because your memory is atrocious):

Dungeon Code will be an interactive game of sorts, inspired heavily by your love of Critical Role and fantasy. Because you struggle with concentration, and therefore staying focused on learning, this will hopefully be something you can work on to implement what you've learned and cement the knowledge in your brain, and make remembering coding languages a lot easier (and fun).

Dungeon Code will be a set up of fantasy characters, namely a group of 4 alongside the main character (the user). As you are known to go off on tangents and focus too heavily on the details before creating the main skeleton of the beast, the focus will be on how each lesson in a language (Python, being as that's what you learned first) can be implemented as an element in the fantasy.

One quick example: spells. For a spellcasting character, they would need components to cast their spell. Let's say "fireball". So something like 'def FireballSpell()'. You, as the "player", would need to write the correct code which would create a function that, one, takes in the components of the spell as arguments, and two, applies them in some way, (arithmetically?) and perhaps add a printed incantation. Then boom, the spell would be cast. There could be time limits to make things more interesting, and the potential to fail to add stakes to the game.

There will be numerous details to flesh out, such as should the spells be created in battle, or pre-battle?. Basic art will need to be added, but the skeleton of the design should take priority. For each idea, you will create a blog post with details on layout, code, and basic steps on how the "game" should play out the scenario. And when you learn how to create these first draft versions as actual webpage files, you can upload them and keep a sort of portfolio to fine tune as you go.

Hopefully with time your skills will get better and better, and you can make something truly epic.

Good luck!


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