I did it! I have a background! Whee! It took a bit of trial and error and a few google searches but I have a background that fills the screen. I took the original image, cartoonified it, cropped it into a wide image and voila. Screenshot of webpage in full screen: I will probably have to fiddle with the sizing a bit more when I upload characters to lay over it, but I'm kind of proud of just this baby step. My frustration tolerance was below 0 today so I think I did well to get this done. Next up, I need to add a text box for users to enter their name/username. I think I'll put it at the bottom, under the fire, with the characters in various poses to the right and left of the flames. I said 5 characters, but I might cut it to 4 for even numbers. And it's probably less important right now, I can add more details later. Must remember not to get sucked into details! Also, I came up with a way to remember the syntax ...